这是最近开张的一个网站Palary Browser的发刊词,里面提到了这个网站的种种好处,有一点就是“自由”,在这一个项目里特别提到了中国,为了解除中国网民被政府屏蔽信息所带来的烦恼,这个网站诞生了,也为了给同样身处水深火热之中的伊朗人民和津巴布韦人民造福。 "Welcome to the Palary Browser beta , The Palary Browser is a cutting-edge, web application that delivers a secure, personalized surfing experience. The main advantages of the Browser over classical technologies are as follows: 1. Security :The Palary Browser by default disables Javascript in webpages. Javascript is a useful technology in many circumstances, but is also insecure and opens your computer up to innumerable web based attacks. These attacks are impossible when using the Palary Browser. 2. Privacy :The Palary Browser increases your privacy on multiple fronts. On a wide front, the Browser prevents your ISP, your government, or another body from tapping your web-surfing. All data is routed through the Browser's servers so that is impossible for these bodies to see what information you are accessing or sending. (The above assumes that you ha...
This is our life, so many adjustments, no little change. ~ivan's blog